2024 Priority Bill Tracker
Pass statewide rent stabilization:
HB 2114
- Passed out of the House Housing Committee
- Had a hearing in Appropriations on Jan. 24
SB 5961
- Had a hearing in Senate Housing Committee. Must pass out of committee by Jan. 31 to stay alive.
Create permanent funding for the Housing Trust Fund and for housing for people with developmental disabilities - The Affordable Homes Act (Real Estate Transfer Tax or RETT)
HB 2276
- Had a hearing in the House Finance Committee on Jan. 18.
SB 6191
- Had a hearing in Senate Ways & Means Committee on Jan. 25.
Prevent cuts to homelessness services and invest in frontline workers
- This is an operating budget ask to backfill a funding gap created by lower document recording fee collection than projected. The total budget ask is $70 million.
Progressive Revenue: Washington Gift Card Accountability