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COVID-19 Housing and Homelessness Provider Stakeholder Call 05/06/2020
COVID-19 Housing and Homelessness Provider Stakeholder Call 05/06/2020
Speakers on 5/06/2020 Call
- Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal:
- Tedd Kelleher, Dept. of Commerce:
- Daniel Malone, DESC:
- Yuni Medlin, LASA:
- Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin & Allyson Brekke, City of Port Angeles:,
Please click the above link to contact your members of Congress today and ask them to ensure that the next stimulus package includes:
$11.5 billion in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding. This combined with the $4 billion previously provided in the CARES Act will reach the funding level needed to expand access to emergency shelter, short-term rental assistance, and housing stabilization services;
$100 billion in rental assistance to keep people housed and ensure landlords, including low-income housing providers, have the income they need to continue to operate;
$8.5 billion to ensure that public housing authorities can continue to operate at full capacity;
A uniform, national moratorium on evictions and foreclosures;
Resources for housing counselors and legal services to help renters and homeowners stay housed; and a requirement that local communities follow guidance by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and institute a moratorium on homeless encampment sweeps.
Resources from 05/06/2020
As always, several resources were highlighted in the chat that are worth uplifting:
NLIHC Guidance on working with FEMA to fund non-congregate shelter during COVID-19
Check out this great Crosscut article about DESC transitioning their main shelter into the Red Lion motel
Also, the Huffington Post article Daniel referenced!
Resources from Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal!
Recent Op-Ed in the Seattle Times by Rep. Jayapal and NLIHC: "Our Homelessness Crisis is Urgent, Tragic, and Completely Solvable
City of Tacoma Resources shared by Yuni Medlin: Coronavirus Resources page and Emergency Rental Assistance Program
City of Port Angeles Resources shared by CM Schromen-Wawrin and Allyson Brekke: Utility and Rent Payment Relief and Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Action Plan
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