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COVID-19 Housing and Homelessness Provider Stakeholder Call 4/15/2020
Resources from 4/15/2020 COVID-19 Housing and Homelessness Stakeholders Call:
Here is the audio for 04/15/2020.
- Tedd Kelleher, Dept. of Commerce:
- Kim Justice, Office of Homeless Youth:
- Steve Berg, National Alliance to End Homelessness:
- Latrice Williams, Peer Navigator Training Program:
- Liz Olson, Washington Budget and Policy Center:
- Megan Veith, Building Changes:
Action Alert: Take action today and email your members of congress!
Please contact your members of Congress today and ask them to ensure that the next stimulus package includes:
- $11.5 billion in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding. This combined with the $4 billion previously provided in the CARES Act will reach the funding level needed to expand access to emergency shelter, short-term rental assistance, and housing stabilization services;
- A uniform, national moratorium on evictions and foreclosures; and
- $100 billion in rental assistance to keep people housed and ensure landlords, including low-income housing providers, have the income they need to continue to operate.
Resources Highlighted:
- Washington Low Income Housing Alliance COVID-19 Resources Page.
- Building Changes' slides including COVID-19 data disaggregated by race.
- Liz Olson's (Budget & Policy Center) info regarding public assistance programs.
- Dept. of Commerce's FAQs and Clarifications regarding LIHEAP and LIRAP.
- Since there were several questions regarding Housing Trust Fund award rounds, please follow up with Corina Grigoras if you have questions related to this:
- For question related to the COVID response fund for young folks experiencing homelessness, you can reach out to Paula Carvalho at the Raikes Foundation: Note: This statewide fund will be available to non-profits and tribes working with YYA experiencing homelessness, and funds will be flexible. It is one fund with two separate tracks, one focusing on YYA and one for students.
- Is your landlord trying to evict you during the eviction moratorium? The Attorney General can help enforce your rights. Visit this page to file a formal complaint. Note: Use this link for this particular purpose ONLY. Please don't use this for advocacy or other purposes.
- National Alliance to End Homelessness COVID page.
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