housing action
Did you tell the Senate what you thought about their budget? Tell us about it!


The Washington State Senate released their Operating and Capital budgets yesterday, which included full funding for the Housing and Essential Needs Program -- which is great! -- and an allocation of $30 million for the Housing Trust Fund -- which is good, but far from the $100 million allocated by the House.

It is really important that we thank the Senate for the strong funding they provided for Housing and Essential Needs and human services. It is also very important that we push for the Senate to match the $100 million allocated by the house for the Housing Trust Fund. 

You can click on our handy Action Alert and we'll help you send a message to your Senator. Here's the link: The Senate just released their budget - tell them what you think!

If you've already called or emailed the Senate, let us know in the comments! We'd love to hear how it went.


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