housing action
Solutions 2013


Joaquin Uy, Communications Specialist

"HOTlanta!" Next month, that's where I'll be, exploring the future of state and local housing policy.

Our friends over at the National Housing Conference and Center for Housing Policy are hosting Solutions 2013: National Conference on State and Local Housing Policy in Atlanta, Georgia, September 16-18, 2013. You can join me and others from around the country as we explore policy tools, sharpen our skills, and connect with peers from across the housing spectrum. Together, we’ll be brainstorming innovative solutions to build the sustainable, inclusive, equitable communities of the future.

I'll be speaking during one of the sessions at Solutions 2013. The workshop I’m participating in, titled New Directions in Social Media, is part of the Housing Communications track, which "focuses on promising communications strategies for expanding awareness of the benefits of affordable housing and building support for affordable housing policies and development." Here's a workshop description:

In the seven years that have passed since the launch of Twitter, the question is no longer, “does my organization need social media?” Instead, we’re asking how to make it work best for us, considering the capacity constraints we all face as well as concerns about privacy, security and brand management. This session provides housing communicators and organizational or team leaders alike a framework for successfully incorporating social media into an already-packed work plan.

I think it will be an excellent opportunity to learn about how affordable housing/homelessness organizations across the country are using social media to successfully supplement their advocacy/communications work. You can learn more about the sessions and speakers here.

Solutions 2013 will focus on state and local housing policy. But because it’s hosted by the National Housing Conference, those who attend will also hear from national experts about relevant federal policies and how they intersect with issues and policies in states and local communities. The event also includes speakers including HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan and Habitat for Humanity International CEO Jonathan Reckford with exciting opportunities to explore Atlanta’s most innovative housing ideas up close and personal on board mobile workshops traveling throughout the city.

Each workshop track includes a blend of experts from national organizations, as well as from organizations (like ours) focused on state and local work. Throughout the conference, NHC and the Center will intersperse sessions on topics related to housing and transportation, the housing services needs of veterans and seniors, and what housing means for young people.

You can visit NHC and the Center’s website for the full agenda and workshop descriptions.


It's also an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other Civil Rights Movement leaders.

You can register online at a reduced rate that’s available until August 26. And, NHC is offering the friends and colleagues of conference speakers (that’s me) a 10% discount on Solutions 2013 registration. Let me know if you are interested by emailing me at joaquin(@)wliha(.)org. I hope you’ll join me.

Washington State, represent!




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