housing action
Vibrant and Engaged Communities VOTE!


This is a guest post by Ashley Palar, Resident Services Coordinator at Capitol Hill Housing.

Capitol Hill Housing builds vibrant and engaged communities through affordable housing and community development efforts in Seattle. We believe in each person’s right to a safe, affordable, quality home. Therefore, heading into the 2012 election, the Resident Services Program at Capitol Hill Housing is partnering with the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance on a non-partisan voter engagement campaign. The goal of this project is to increase voter turn-out especially in underrepresented, underserved communities with a history of lower voter participation, and to determine the effectiveness of civic engagement efforts by direct service agencies.

At Capitol Hill Housing, we often interact with individuals who may experience barriers to voting. We have an opportunity to help folks overcome some of those barriers by providing voter registration materials at application or lease signing time and at community events planned throughout the summer. This makes it possible for more voices to be heard and the issues that are important to all of our communities to be addressed.

Make your voice heard! Your vote matters!

Voting provides a unique opportunity for people to have a powerful impact on what goes on in their communities.  Elected officials and candidates know who votes. When we vote in greater numbers and participate in other aspects of the democratic system, elected officials will pay greater attention to the issues that affect our lives. If you believe in the importance of affordable housing, make sure your elected officials know!  Be a vibrant and engaged member of the community: pledge to vote and to be a housing voter!

Ashley Palar is the Resident Services Coordinator at Capitol Hill Housing. She has made the pledge to be a housing voter and is excited to spend the summer inviting others to join her in that pledge, one Resident Services event at a time!

Have you taken the pledge to vote for affordable housing yet? Click here and take the pledge today!



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