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Congratulations to the powerful collective of Clark County advocates for being named the recipient of our annual Nancy Amidei Movement Builder Award!  

This is a disappointing decision that will do nothing to solve homelessness. In fact, it will make it worse by giving cities free rein to prioritize criminalization while neglecting and diverting funds from proven solutions like housing. And fines and arrests often extend people’s experience of homelessness by making it harder for them to access housing and services in the future. 

For the second year in a row, Washington was ranked with the fifth-highest hourly “housing wage” in the country. The state average “fair market rent” for a 2 bedroom is $2,097, meaning, in order to afford rent and utilities without paying more than 30% of one’s income for housing, one would need to earn $6,989 monthly.

housing action
Other Ways To Give


Checks made payable to the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance can be mailed to: 304 Alaskan Way S., Suite 302 Seattle, WA  98104.

In-kind donations of snacks, bottled water, and cash cards help keep costs down for our annual Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day and other special events. Contact for a current list of in-kind donation needs.

AmazonSmile donates a percentage of your purchase made at Click here to learn how to designate the Housing Alliance as your AmazonSmile charity. (We love buying local, and hope you do too. We also know that many of our supporters shop with Amazon and this is a way for your transaction to support good work.)


You can help future generations have the opportunity for a safe, healthy, affordable home while still providing for your loved ones through a planned gift. For more information about achieving your long-term philanthropic goals, please contact or call 206.442.9455 x201.

Have you already named the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance the beneficiary of a will, trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy? Please contact us so we can acknowledge your gift.

