housing action

This Week in Housing Advocacy: Special Session Update

The Capitol was still and quiet until Thursday when the Senate Republicans unveiled yet another surprise budget. Like the last one, it was shrouded in secrecy. Senate Republican leadership hid it even from the Governor with whom they met for budget negotiations in the hour before the unveiling. Although the release of yet another Republican budget was a surprise – the contents weren’t. The safety net was slashed again, but even worse this time, with the Housing and Essential Needs program completely eliminated, Disability Lifeline Medical completely eliminated and TANF deeply cut.

Take Action on the Zarelli Budget!

As you may have heard by now, last Friday Senator Zarelli [R-18th LD] led conservatives in a back-door deal to pass a budget that hadn't gone through any public hearings, which means without a process in which our voices could be heard.

By a narrow margin, the Senate passed this budget. If that budget were to pass in the House and become law, the huge cuts to social services would lead to a dramatic rise in homelessness in every community across the state. 

Some of the low points include:

This Week in Housing Advocacy: Victorious, Historic and Tumultuous

It is hard to believe that last week was just seven days long. It started with the House passing the Fair Tenant Screening Act - SSB 6315. Tuesday brought the Senate budget proposal that preserved the Housing and Essential Needs program. On Wednesday we celebrated the amazing victory of the document recording fee bill - ESHB 2048. Then Friday morning two important Housing Alliance support bills passed: ESHB 2592 - extending important supports to some youth aging out of the foster care system, and SHB 2194 - clarifying provisions of the mobile home landlord tenant act.

Send a message of thanks to elected officials for supporting an end to homelessness

The incredible advocacy coming from every corner of the state and from many diverse voices is tangibly making a difference. Take for example the document recording fee bills – 2048 & 5952. On Wednesday (February 22nd), 2048 cleared the Financial Institutions Housing and Insurance Committee unanimously.  When its twin bill, 5952, was voted on just weeks prior, it was minus two votes. Since then, advocates have worked hard to gain the full support of the Committee and we won. Every single member voted yes – Democrats and Republicans – and now it is time to thank them.