housing action

Been here a couple months, and want to say hi!

Hello! I’m Andrew Lewis-Lechner, and I’m excited to introduce myself as the new Development Director at the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance! In my new role, I’ll primarily be responsible for expanding our member base, managing donor relationships and connecting the Housing Alliance with partners who can help us further our mission: to ensure that everyone in Washington has access to a safe, healthy, and affordable home. 

McCleary Sanctions Should Advance, Not Restrict, Educational Opportunity

Housing Alliance, Children's Alliance, Equity in Education Coalition, and Columbia Legal Services

In 2012, in McCleary, et al. v. State of Washington, the Supreme Court ruled that the State of Washington has been violating its constitutional obligation to amply fund K-12 education, and gave the legislature until 2018 to comply. 

Lifelong Advocates Are Born Out Of The EAP Program

Matthew Anderson, EAP Graduate, Housing Advocate

At this year’s Conference on Ending Homelessness, I had the opportunity to help with the Emerging Advocates Program (EAP). The experience was especially rewarding to me, because I am an EAP graduate. The program has changed my life, my work, and it is very dear to my heart. If you read this post and feel inspired like I am, I encourage you to apply for the EAP fall session, which runs September-November, 2016. Applications are accepted until July 24, 2016.