housing action

Governor Inslee’s budget takes bold steps - significant housing investments are also needed in this biennium

In his budget proposal released this week, Governor Inslee went big and proposed the kind of bold investments needed to make real progress on solving our state’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis. We commend the Governor for acting with urgency by putting forward an unprecedented investment in affordable homes. His proposal would fund 7,500 newly affordable homes in the next two years, and 26,700 over eight years.

Renters Need More Time

Washington’s 2021 legislative session was among the most important for affordable housing and tenant protections in a generation. Thanks to the most progressive legislature we’ve ever had, a Governor who truly understands what it means to support everyone in our state, and thousands of advocates like you, enormous and consequential bills were passed this year.

Sine Die 2021!


The state legislature adjourned for the session Sunday, April 25 and it was truly a historic session for affordable housing and homelessness! 

Together, we achieved every single one of our priorities – and more – including: 

A new permanent fund source for rental assistance and efforts to prevent and end homelessness: House Bill 1277 adds a fee on real estate transa