housing action
Medicaid Benefit Resources


Supportive Housing Services Medicaid Benefit Resources

The Washington State Health Care Authority and the Department of Social and Health Services are currently negotiating a Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The waiver includes a proposal to create a new, targeted permanent supportive housing services Medicaid benefit along with additional health innovations, including a targeted supported employment Medicaid benefit, regional health transformation projects, and much more. The Housing Alliance will host a series of webinars through the month of August to provide training and context for what these new benefits will cover, who is eligible, and how the program will be implemented. Sign up for each of the webinars below, and click here for training background materials

Medicaid Webinar Training Series

Overview of Medicaid and Washington’s Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver

Tuesday, August 2, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM      

Carol Wilkins, Consultant

This webinar will introduce participants to Washington’s Medicaid program and 1115 Medicaid waivers. Washington’s 1115 Medicaid transformation waiver application, which is currently being negotiated by the state and the federal government, will be discussed. A high-level overview of the proposed targeted supportive housing services Medicaid benefit included in Washington’s 1115 waiver application will also be covered.

View Webinar Here
View Presentation Slides Here

Other resources:
CMS Informational Bulletin
A Primer on Using Medicaid for People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness and Tenants in Permanent Supportive Housing
Medicaid and Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless Individuals: Emerging Practices From the Field
Improving Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries Experiencing Homelessness Toolkit
Improving Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries Experiencing Homelessness Webinar

Delivering Medicaid Supportive Housing Services Through the Aging and Long-Term Service Administration

Wednesday, August 10, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Liz Prince, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration

This training will introduce participants to Washington’s Aging and Long-Term Service Administration (ALTSA). ALTSA is one of the three Medicaid payment systems that supportive housing service providers will be able to work with in order to be reimbursed for delivering Medicaid supportive housing services (once the benefit is approved by the federal government). The webinar will discuss which ALTSA clients are likely to be eligible for the supportive housing services Medicaid benefit and how providers can develop a contractual relationship with ALTSA to be reimbursed for delivering supportive housing services.

Note: We recommend participants attend or view the recording of the August 2 “Overview of Medicaid and Washington’s Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver” webinar prior to the ALTSA webinar. This will help ensure you have the background to get the most out of the ALTSA training.

View Webinar Here - Please note the webinar begins partway through the second slide.
View Presentation Slides Here

Other Resources:

ALTSA DSHS Regions map
Information for Potential Medicaid Contractors
Link to ALTSA and CSH Informational Video on Supportive Housing and ALTSA
The following steps are required to view the video: 1) open the link, 2) register for the site, and 3) type "long term care" in the search box (upper right hand corner) once registered. 

Introduction to Washington’s New Supportive Housing Services Medicaid Benefit

Thursday, August 11, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Debbie Thiele and Liz Drapa, Corporation for Supportive Housing 

This webinar will provide a detailed overview of Washington’s targeted supportive housing services Medicaid benefit that is on track to be approved and implemented this year. Training content will include the proposed eligibility criteria and the scope of supportive housing services covered by the benefit. An introduction to Medicaid payment systems and the steps supportive housing providers can take to become licensed in order to be reimbursed for Medicaid supportive housing services will be discussed.

Note: We recommend participants attend or view the recording of the August 2 “Overview of Medicaid and Washington’s Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver” webinar prior to the supportive housing benefit webinar. This will help ensure you have the background to get the most out of this training.

View Webinar Here
View Presentation Slides Here

Other Resources:

CMS Informational Bulletin

Delivering Medicaid Supportive Housing Services Through the Managed Care System

Monday, August 15, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Debbie Thiele and Marcella Maguire, Corporation for Supportive Housing
Dr. Tanya Dansky, Amerigroup Washington 

This training will introduce participants to Washington’s managed health care system, including Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). The managed care system is one of the three Medicaid payment systems that supportive housing providers will be able to work with in order to be reimbursed for delivering Medicaid supportive housing services (once the benefit is approved by the federal government). The webinar will discuss the steps supportive housing providers need to take in order to become eligible to develop contractual relationships with MCOs.

Note: We recommend participants attend or view the recordings of the August 2 “Overview of Medicaid and Washington’s Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver” webinar and the August 11 “Introduction to Washington’s New Supportive Housing Services Medicaid Benefit” webinar prior to the managed care webinar. This will help ensure you have the background to get the most out of this training.

View Webinar Here
View Presentsation Slides Here

Other Resources:

Apple Health (Medicaid) Service Area Map
Apple Health (Medicaid) Managed Care Information

Delivering Medicaid Supportive Housing Services Through the Behavioral Health System

Tuesday, August 16, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Debbie Thiele and Marcella Maguire, Corporation for Supportive Housing 
Christy Sundholm, North Sound Behavioral Health Organization

This training will introduce participants to Washington’s behavioral health care system, including Behavioral Health Organizations (BHOs). The behavioral health system is one of the three Medicaid payment systems that supportive housing providers will be able to work with in order to be reimbursed for delivering Medicaid supportive housing services (once the benefit is approved by the federal government). The webinar will discuss the steps supportive housing providers need to take in order to become eligible to develop contractual relationships with BHOs.

Note: We recommend participants attend or view the recordings of the August 2 “Overview of Medicaid and Washington’s Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver” webinar and the August 11 “Introduction to Washington’s New Supportive Housing Services Medicaid Benefit” webinar prior to the behavioral health system webinar. This will help ensure you have the background to get the most out of this training.

View Webinar Here
View Presentation Slides Here

Other Resources

BHO Overview and Service Area Map

Introduction to Washington’s New Supported Employment Services Medicaid Benefit

Wednesday, August 17, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Gillian Morshedi and Matt Olsson, HomeBase

This webinar will provide a detailed overview of Washington’s targeted supported employment services Medicaid benefit that is on track to be approved and implemented this year. Training content will include the proposed eligibility criteria and scope of supported employment services covered by the benefit. An introduction to Medicaid payment systems and the steps supported employment providers can take to become licensed in order to be reimbursed for Medicaid supported employment services will be discussed.

Note: We recommend participants attend or view the recording of the August 2 “Overview of Medicaid and Washington’s Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver” webinar prior to the supported employment benefit webinar. This will help ensure you have the background to get the most out of this training.

View Webinar Here
View Presentation Slides Here

Documenting Medical Necessity In Your Service Notes

Thursday, August 18, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Gillian Morshedi and Jason Green-Lowe, HomeBase

This webinar will cover the case note documentation requirements under the new supportive housing and supported employment Medicaid benefits. Medicaid is a health insurance program, so case notes must document medical necessity in order for supportive housing and employment services to qualify for Medicaid reimbursement. Participants will learn how to assess and document medical necessity and adopt case note documentation practices that meet Medicaid’s requirements.

Note: We recommend participants attend or view the recordings of the August 2 “Overview of Medicaid and Washington’s Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver” webinar, the August 11 “Introduction to Washington’s New Supportive Housing Services Medicaid Benefit” webinar, and the August 17 “Introduction to Washington’s New Supported Employment Services Medicaid Benefit” webinar prior to the medical necessity webinar. This will help ensure you have the background to get the most out of this training.

View Webinar Here
View Presentation Slides Here

Accountable Communities of Health Presentation - Social Determinants of Health: Supported Employment
Webinar Hosted by DSHS-DBHR

Monday, August 22, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Joe Marrone, Center for Community Inclusion

The Healthier Washington 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver includes targeted community supports for supportive housing and supported employment services. This webinar is an opportunity to hear from national experts on the importance of addressing homelessness and long-term unemployment as we prepare to address whole health.

Please Note: This webinar’s slides will be posted after the webinar, but it will not be recorded. 

Introduction to the Definition of Chronic Homelessness
Webinar Hosted by DSHS-DBHR

Tuesday, August 23, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Jon Brumbach, Health Care Authority
Joni Canada, HomeBase
Gillian Morshedi, HomeBase

DSHS’ Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, the Health Care Authority, the Department of Commerce, and our national technical assistance organization, HomeBase, are hosting a series of webinars to bring attention to the new HUD definition of chronic homelessness. The chronic homeless population is one of the targeted populations for the new supportive housing benefit in the 1115 Medicaid Waiver, and this webinar will provide an overview of documentation requirements for demonstrating chronic homelessness so members of that population can receive services under the benefit. This webinar will highlight the HUD definition criteria and context for recent changes. The presentation will briefly break down documentation requirements and strategies. Our presenters will also review the federal benchmark process for measuring communities' progress in ending chronic homelessness.

Please Note: This webinar’s slides will be posted after the webinar, but it will not be recorded

Fidelity Supportive Housing Services

Tuesday, August 23, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Nicole Bahena and Emma Chapple, Corporation for Supportive Housing

This webinar will provide a detailed overview of fidelity supportive housing services and best practices. Training content will help supportive housing providers improve the quality of their services, and it will provide a learning opportunity for other health care stakeholders to better understand this service model. 

View Webinar Here
View Presentation Slides

Other resources:
CSH Dimensions of Quality Supportive Housing
CSH Quality Certification

Fidelity Supported Employment Services

Thursday, August 25, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Gillian Morshedi and Matt Olsson, HomeBase
Mike Donegan, DESC

This webinar will provide a detailed overview of fidelity supported employment services and best practices. Training content will help supported employment providers improve the quality of their services, and it will provide a learning opportunity for other health care stakeholders to better understand this service model.

View Webinar Here
View Presentation Slides Here

Other Resources:

SAMHSA Supported Employment Evidence-Based Practices

Chronic homeless definition + DSHS Client Registry – Implications for Housing Providers

Webinar Hosted by DSHS-DBHR

Tuesday, August 30, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Becky Boutilier
Jon Brumbach, Health Care Authority
Joni Canada, HomeBase
Gillian Morshedi, HomeBase

DSHS’ Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, the Health Care Authority, the Department of Commerce, and our national technical assistance organization HomeBase are hosting a series of webinars to bring attention to the new HUD definition of chronic homelessness and the implications for housing providers. This presentation will discuss documentation strategies, resources, and tools. In addition, the presentation will introduce the DSHS Client Registry that may assist providers to coordinate care.

Please Note: This webinar’s slides will be posted after the webinar, but it will not be recorded.

Chronic Homeless Definition + PRISM – Implications for MCOs & BHOs

Webinar Hosted by DSHS-DBHR

Friday, September 2, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Jon Brumbach, Health Care Authority
Joni Canada, HomeBase
David Mancuso, DSHS-RDA

DSHS’ Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, the Health Care Authority, the Department of Commerce, and our national technical assistance organization HomeBase are hosting a series of webinars to bring attention to the new HUD definition of chronic homelessness and the implications for MCOs, BHOs and providers. This presentation will discuss documentation strategies, resources, and tools. In addition, the presentation will introduce the intersection between individuals who meet the chronic homelessness definition and PRISM, which may assist providers to determine eligibility and target outreach/engagement efforts.

Please Note: This webinar’s slides will be posted after the webinar, but it will not be recorded.

Chronic Homelessness Definition + Coordinated Entry

Webinar Hosted by DSHS-DBHR

Tuesday, September 6, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Jon Brumbach, Health Care Authority
Joni Canada, HomeBase
Gillian Morshedi, HomeBase
Jeff Spring, Department of Commerce

DSHS’ Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, the Health Care Authority, the Department of Commerce, and our national technical assistance organization HomeBase are hosting a series of webinars to bring attention to the new HUD definition of chronic homelessness and introduce coordinated entry and prioritization. The webinar will introduce the key HUD definition criteria and context for recent changes. The presentation will provide more detail on HUD’s prioritization update and provide an overview of coordinated entry, including tools to assist agencies to provide linkage to their local coordinated entry system.

Please Note: This webinar’s slides will be posted after the webinar, but it will not be recorded. 

Background Materials

Background on Permanent Supportive Housing
Background on Healthier Washington and the 1115 Waiver
Benefit Implementation Resources
- Service Enouncter Reporting Instructions

Other helpful resources
